
22 months (a little late!)

This little boy has been keeping us so busy and I just realized I never posted anything for his 22 month post! I'll keep it short and sweet (just like him). ♥

Have you noticed you can barely see in scar in pics now? We have noticed it looks a little longer due to his torso lenghtening out....cool battle wounds to show the ladies some day :)

He's getting big boy haircuts with the clippers now just like Papaw & Uncle Seth do....he does a great job!
  • He has been working on potty training...goes #1 quite often at home and at school...went #2 for the first time!
  • Is a tease...he's always been pretty generous with hugs and kisses, but lately he won't give daddy any (but he'll pucker up and pretend he's going to, then quickly turn his head away!)
  • Is doing a great job with his colors (although sometimes he says cookie for blue, bird for yellow, etc.) :)
  • We're working on counting, but he only wants to say the number 2!
  • When you ask him what a firetruck says, he'll go, "woooooooo....Seth." So cute! He even points to his toy firetruck and calls it Seth (Uncle Seth is a firefighter).
  • Jack still is his best buddy (and the feeling is mutual!)
  • Loves play-doh, finger painting, coloring, etc. A LOT!
  • Is using his imagination more and more everyday

We love you silly Dyl-ee...you are quite the comedian and sweetheart! Can't believe you're going to be 2 so soon!

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