
Dylan is 13 months old!

Wow! It's seriously been a month since our little boy turned one! Here's what he's been up to:

  • He started daycare on April 1st and he's LOVING it! When he wakes up in the morning he starts jumping up in down and bed b/c he's so excited to go play with his friends! His sitter was so pleased at how well he adjusted and we are too!
  • Walking more and more! He's still cruising (he's REALLY fast!) and he's standing independently more on his own w/o holding onto anything. He will take some steps on his own, but he's still building up his confidence!
  • Only taking a bottle at night. He transitioned to the sippy cup very well!
  • He's only been at daycare a few weeks, but he has picked up some sign language: "more" (he could do this b4 he started), "all done," "eat," and I think some other ones that we'll have to learn as well!
  • LOVES LOVES LOVES to be outside...this isn't really anything new, but since it has been nicer outside lately he wants to be outdoors all the time!
  • Lays his head on your shoulder, the table, the couch, his puppy (anything) and says, awww!
  • Blows kisses
  • He likes to whisper
  • Can say: Jack, dog, bath, bye bye, mama, dada, buck, baba, ball
  • LOVES his Baby Einstein videos even more! He loves to dance to the music.
  • If you go "ha ha!" he will mock you and say laugh back at you or if you cough he will do a fake cough back at you.
  • Understands no, and does actually listen sometimes but other times he gets a mischevious smile on his face and does it anyway (like feeing Jack)! He does like to throw a fit now and then too when you take something away from him.

Dylan--you're turning into a little boy more and more every day! We're so proud of you!