I can't believe it...we're halfway there to his first birthday. He is changing so rapidly it's hard to keep up! He keeps getting more and more fun!
Here's a little bit of what he's been up to:
-Sitting up ALL the time!
-Lays down if he wants to when he's tired of sitting up
-Rolling over both ways, but prefers to go from his tummy to his back
-Sleeps on his tummy with his tush in the air
-Blows bubbles when he poops
-Blows bubbles when he eats peas
-Eating rice cereal every day and one veggie or fruit at night
-Had eczema, but it's under control now!
-Plays peek-a-boo--we'll put a cloth over his face and he'll pull it off and laugh!
-Has two teeth
-Loves graham crackers
-Loves going for walks
-Says bababa and mamama and dadada (does't associate it with anyone yet!)
-Taps his first on his mouth when he is babbling so he sounds likes a little Indian!
-Has been in the nursery at church...moving up from Sleepers to Creepers!
Dylan is 6 months old!
Posted by Dustin & Emily at 6:31 AM
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Congratulations on a wonderful landmark. My family has enjoyed watching Dylan group up, and love the pictures. We continue to keep him and your family in our prayers. Won't be long and he'll be tagging along with Daddy in the woods and on the water.
Happy 6 months little buddy!
The Stallman family
(Jon - a friend of Dustin's from Indiana Outdoorsman)
Congratulations on a wonderful landmark. My family has enjoyed watching Dylan grow up, and love the pictures. We continue to keep him and your family in our prayers. Won't be long and he'll be tagging along with Daddy in the woods and on the water.
Happy 6 months little buddy!
The Stallman family
(Jon - a friend of Dustin's from Indiana Outdoorsman)
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